
  • Md. Akramul Islam Research Officer, Mangrove Silviculture Division, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Kh



Co-management, financial support, livelihood, sustainable adaptation, vulnerable


This study demonstrates the adaptation and perception to the climate change by focusing the community’s views and experience. This study suggests that majority (90%) of the coastal community proximity to the Sundarbans is experienced to adaption with changing environmental vulnerabilities but the major challenge they face is limitation of financial support. At the same time, most of the community (79%) has no knowledge about climate change but the rest have medium or little knowledge (21%). Results revealed that financial and insufficient livelihood support (76%), overlooking the needs of local communities are the key problem of climate change adaptation and perception. At the same time, most of the respondents are middle aged, less literate, and fishing is the primary occupation, while wood is the main source of their energy.  Besides, geographical location, natural and anthropogenic challenges, lack of in-depth knowledge towards climate change adaptation and its vulnerabilities, and inadequate integration of policies and programs are hindering sustainable adaptation. The study suggests that information and knowledge must be improved within the community to find out and practice local scale adaptation options like livelihood diversification, diversify use of resource, community based co-management and financial support. Similarly, relevant training and awareness program could be effective to reduce the vulnerability of most innocent victims of the coastal area


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