Contamination, Heavy metal, Sediments, Gher water, SatkhiraAbstract
Toxic contaminants moving along with runoff usually contaminates shrimp farms in most areas of Satkhira district, southwest Bangladesh. An investigation was carried out to assess the Physico-chemical properties and heavy metal concentration of sediments and water in shrimp farms from Satkhira district, southwest Bangladesh during December 2020 to March 2021. Twelve water and sediment samples were collected from six Ghers of two Upazilla e.g., Debhata and Assasuni of Satkhira. Physico-chemical attributes such as temperature, DO, BOD5, pH, TDS, EC, turbidity, salinity, HCO3-/CO3-, SO4-, NO3-, PO4- were estimated. The concentration attributes such as TDS (2280-5250 mg/l), EC (4380-9670 µs/cm), Turbidity (50.8-348 NTU), HCO3-/CO3- (219.6-445.3 mg/l), NO3- (0.3635-1.94 mg/l) were observed to be higher than the allowable standards recommended by WHO and FAO. Five trace metals such as chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd) copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn), were measured in sediments and water by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. The range of metal concentrations in sediment were as follows: Cr (1.95–3.43 mg/l), Zn (205.76-265.71 mg/kg), Cu (0.60–1.1mg/kg), Cd (3.8-4.1 mg/kg), and Pb (0.92-1.11mg/kg wet weight. The range of metal concentration in water were as follows: Cr (0.1-0.8 mg/l), Zn (0.003-0.34 mg/l), Cu (0.10-0.13 mg/l), Cd (0.07-0.08 mg/l), and Pb (0.23-0.34 mg/l). Higher concentrations of metal were recorded in most of the sediment and samples of water of the studied Ghers except Cr and Cu, those were below standard as prescribed by WHO and FAO. The concentration of Cu ranges from 0.602 to 1.113 mg/kg and 0.10 to 0.13 mg/l and range of Cr concentration were 1.95 to 3.43 mg/kg and 0.156 to 0.807 mg/l in sediment and water respectively. However, Cd, Zn and Pb were higher than the allowable standard as recommended by WHO and FAO. The higher heavy metal concentrations in water and sediment of shrimp Ghers suggest that shrimp could be contaminated by these heavy metals as well.
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