Farmers' education, Shrimp, Profitability, Farm management knowledge, Farming methodAbstract
This study explores the impact of farmers' level of education on the profitability of shrimp farming. The authors have collected data from a sample of 200 shrimp farmers in three districts in the southwest region of Bangladesh, namely Khulna, Bagerhat, and Satkhira, using a proportionate random sampling technique. The shrimp farmers' education and productivity status are investigated through descriptive statistics. The authors estimated a Cobb-Douglas Production Function (CDPF) to examine the effect of farmers' level of education on the profitability of shrimp farming. Using a Tobit regression model, this study tried to investigate the association between the educational attainment of farmers and their degree of knowledge in farm management. The study finds that the average level of shrimp production in southwestern Bangladesh is 425 kg per hectare, resulting from the absence of modern farming methods and a deficiency in adequate farming knowledge. The activity budget equation illustrates that farmers with higher education levels exhibit greater profitability compared to their less educated counterparts. The analysis of efficiency factors of production (EFP) indicates that farmers with higher education levels exhibit greater efficiency than their counterparts with lower education levels. The break-even point (BEP) analysis reveals that the average production volume, price, and the gher size in the study area outstrip the BEP threshold, suggesting that shrimp farming in this region is economically feasible. The analysis of field-level data reveals a strong association between farmers' level of education and their profitability, suggesting that higher levels of education among farmers have a substantial positive impact on their financial gains. It is evident from the study findings that knowledge of farm management plays a significant role in shrimp productivity. Therefore, the degree of farm management knowledge is affected by the education of the farmers. Consequently, this research suggests augmenting the accessibility of contemporary technology-driven farming methods and effectively utilizing information via a training initiative targeting shrimp farmers. Additionally, this study recommends offering incentives or credit opportunities to newly participating educated farmers.
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