In-Pond Raceway System, Dissolved oxygen, Total dissolved solid, Conductivity, Ammonia, Nitrite, PhosphateAbstract
The In-pond raceway system is a highly sophisticated innovative aquaculture technology. Many research has been done on the physicochemical characteristics of water. The present study was conducted to measure the physicochemical parameters of water in an In-Pond Raceway System (IPRS). The study employed standard and instrumental methods to investigate a range of physicochemical parameters, including water temperature, pH, DO, TDS, conductivity, ammonia, nitrite, and phosphate. One-way Analysis of Variance was conducted to calculate the variation of physicochemical parameters among the study sites. Statistical analysis showed there was no significant variation of physicochemical parameters (p>0.05) among the experimental sites except DO and ammonia (p<0.05). The experimental study showed that, all the key physicochemical parameters water in IPRS production zone were within the optimum ranges when compared with standard water quality parameters which is the prerequisite to introduce maximum survivability of fish production in IPRS system.
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