Achieving Identity in Public Spaces through Tangible and Intangible Concepts, a Literature Review
Urban identity, Sensual experience, Public space, Tangible urban identity, Intangible urban identityAbstract
Several fields of study focused on understanding the word identity; it evokes a certain gravitas depending on the field attached to it; this identity is manifested in both tangible and intangible thoughts. Furthermore, each field has its definition related to identity in the physical and non-physical senses; this approach differs in the creation of the identity itself, which allows spaces to be unique in their comprehensive identity. Specialists use this combination of responding to the elements to evoke this identity based on the field itself. From the view of landscape architecture, the focus on identity differs according to the type of function. Therefore, this research will focus on establishing the characteristics that affect the identity of the public space design through synthesising the literature reviews; the focus will concentrate on indicating the concepts that affect the design of public spaces to allow the decision-makers to achieve identity in them.
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