Santal, reproductive behavior, fertility intension, birth control method, pregnancy periodAbstract
The purpose of this study was to explore the fertility intensions and family planning of the Santal women as well as to find out their reproductive involvement with contraceptive usages. This survey was carried out on Rangpur Sadar and Pirgonj upazila under Rangpur district during January to March, 2018. Random sampling technique was adopted and total sample size was 150. The study shows that majority of the Santal women’s marital age was between 15 and 19 years and they had one to three children. Most of them were not in practice of abortion and even a very few number of miscarriages was found in their reproductive behavior. Most of them were not forced to use any contraceptive. More than half of the Santal women became pregnant from one to two times in their life and first pregnancy was enumerated during their first year of matrimony as they did not take any birth control method just after their marriage. It is observed from the study that there prevails an association between Santal women’s number of pregnancy and their duration of marriage (p<0.001). The regression analysis shows that duration of marriage and number of family members had a positive impact on the pregnancy number of the Santal married women. They worked outside their home during their pregnancy. A significant number of Santal married women do not know how to use contraceptives properly. Awareness should be increased regarding the usage of contraceptives among illiterate married Santal women.
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