Pornography, educational institutions, gender, income, exposure to pornAbstract
This study aimed at exploring the underlying factors of exposure to pornography among the students at educational institutions in Khulna City of Bangladesh. Following survey research design, a sample of 304 students (200 male and 104 female) were selected randomly from three educational institutions and data were collected by administering a semi-structured interview schedule. Findings reveal that majority of the students (about 81%), male in particular, are exposed to pornography before sixteen years of age. Students residing in halls or boarding houses are more inclined to pornography than those living with parents or other family members. It is also evident that the exposure to pornography increases with low religious affiliation. In addition, students through the use of technological devices with greater internet data packages are more exposed to pornographic materials. Students’ personal income is also associated with their addiction to pornography, i.e. when income shifts from low to high exposure to pornography also changes from minimum level to maximum. It is, therefore, strongly recommended that policy makers should develop effective measures to thwart exposure to pornography among young men and women with an emphasis on building awareness about the effect of repeated exposure to pornography on their health, behavior and other social issues.
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