
  • Nurun Naher Moni Economics Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna9208, Bangladesh
  • Gazi Jahangir Alam Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA), Agro-Inputs Project (AIP) in Bangladesh House No. 363, Road No. 02, Sonadanga Residential Area (Second Phase) Khulna 9100, Bangladesh



HIV/AIDS, knowledge level, preventive measures, transmission of HIV/AIDS, vulnerable.


This study assesses the knowledge level of two groups of most at risk people (floating sex worker and drug addicts) and three groups of bridging population (transport workers, land port workers, rickshaw/van pullers) in Bhomra land port area of Satkhira Upazila in Bangladesh. Drawing 60 samples purposively, the study finds that drug addicts and rickshaw/van pullers show higher level of general knowledge followed by transport workers, floating sex workers and land port workers. Rickshaw/van pullers (95 percent) again show higher level of knowledge regarding routes of transmission. Floating sex workers, who all are female, have low level of knowledge on child to mother transmission of HIV/AIDS (through pregnancy or child birth 41.67 percent and breastfeeding 41.67 percent). Again 16.67 percent of drug addicts do not know the matter of sharing HIV contaminated syringe as the route of transmission. Transport workers (88.89 percent) know better regarding preventive measures than other groups. Highest level of misconception has been documented among rickshaw/van pullers followed by land port workers and transport workers. Only 25 percent of drug addicts and transport workers respectively and 50 percent of floating sex workers know the place where treatment is provided. The study suggests strong and more effective information dissemination should be made on the preventive measures, routes of transmission and modes and nature of treatment of the disease for all groups.


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How to Cite

N. N. . Moni and G. J. . Alam, “KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF PEOPLE VULNERABLE TO HIV/AIDS IN SATKHIRA UPAZILA OF BANGLADESH”, Khulna Univ. Stud., pp. 197–215, Nov. 2017.



Social Sciences

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