Urban agriculture, sustainability, livelihood, basic need, povertyAbstract
The study elaborates the contribution of agriculture as the livelihood means of urban people. Three hundred and sixty one household heads from Tutpara, Banorgati, Rupsha and Khalishpur in Khulna City were surveyed to identify the livelihood outcome where the respondents are mostly employed in self-managed low paid jobs in the informal sectors like rickshaw pulling, day labor, factory work, agriculture, small-scale business. Vegetable cultivation, livestock rearing, aquaculture, crop cultivation and innovative gardening have been observed as agricultural activities. Index of Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihood (IASL) has been calculated and seven indicators such as income, food, health, education, clothing, interpersonal relations and fulfillment of market demand are considered. Landowners are involved in more sustainable activities. The level of sustainability increased by 0.218 units for changing 1 decimal amount of land which is statistically significant. Male respondents can contribute more in agricultural activities than the female respondents. The respondents whose main occupation is agriculture, especially involved in livestock, are more sustainable than those whose main occupation is not agriculture. Based on empirical result, it can be concluded that agriculture can contribute in fulfilling the basic need of the low income people in urban areas of Bangladesh. However, the respondents show enthusiasm for increasing potted plants in their neighbourhoods that help enhance self-sustenance.
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