Urban inequality, infrastructure and services, Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve, Khulna City Corporation.Abstract
The objective of the study is to analyze the nature of inequality in the distribution of infrastructure and services in Khulna City Corporation. Results of Gini coefficient show that public toilet, market (both commercial and essential commodity), bank, park, factory and culvert are unequally distributed across the city whereas distribution of tube-well, primary school, hospital and dustbin show more equal distribution within the city. Findings reveal that first principal component (termed as Urban Conveniences) has positive association with public toilet, market (both commercial and essential commodity), culvert, primary school and bank whereas the second principal component
(termed as Commercial Infrastructure) has positive relation with commercial market and bank. The third component (termed as Health and Urban Hygiene) has positive relation with hospital and dustbin and lastly, the fourth principal component (termed as Industrial Enterprises) has positive association with factory. The agglomerative hierarchical clustering method exhibits that only one Ward (Ward # 21), out of 31, is the most privileged area in terms of agglomeration of infrastructure and services. This study calls for greater attention on the part of the government to address the uneven distribution of infrastructure and services to foster socio-economic development in areas that are lagging behind.
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