
  • Mohammed Ziaul Haider Economics Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna9208, Bangladesh
  • Arif M. Faisal Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh Resident Mission, Plot E-31, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh



Shrimp cultivation, Area coverage, Production, South-west Bangladesh


This study administers a survey on available literatures and secondary data sources on shrimp cultivation in Bangladesh. The survey results indicate that there are significant variations in production and area coverage data under shrimp farming in the country. It also finds a lack of uniqueness and uniformity in the available dataset. This study uses the concept of extrapolation and makes some assumptions to confine into a representative and updated dataset of shrimp and prawn cultivated area and production in the south-west region of Bangladesh. The study findings indicate that the calculated shrimp and prawn cultivated area in the region is 0.19 million hectare (ha) with 0.15 million ha minimum and 0.23 million ha maximum values for the year 2011. It also confines the shrimp and prawn production value to 369 million US$ with 155 million US$ minimum and 667 million US$ maximum values in the region for the year 2011. Since there is no consensus yet in the literatures about the shrimp and prawn area coverage and production data, the findings of this study may be a benchmark for future studies. 


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