Attitude, family planning, knowledge, perceptionAbstract
This study deciphers the relationship among socio-demographic and economic conditions with the attitude towards restricting family size as well as knowledge and perception of the low income people in this regard. By administering a interview schedule, data used in this article were collected purposively from four hundred and forty low-income men from Khulna City Corporation (KCC) areas of Bangladesh following survey research design. It was found that men’s personal and household socio-demographic and economic conditions were the key determinants to their access to and use of family planning methods. Low-income men in their thirties with more years of schooling and disposal income played pivotal role in making decisions regarding use of contraceptives. The knowledge and perception on family planning were influenced by their social, economic as well as demographic characteristics. Such attributes eventually influenced the frequency and willingness to use family planning methods to minimize the family size of low income people in urban Bangladesh.
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