
  • Dipak Kamal Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh
  • Md. Forhad Uddin Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh
  • Mst. Muslima Khatun Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh



Mud crab, marketing, transportation, grading, mortality, Bangladesh


Present state of the marketing and transportation of mud crab in Khulna region of Bangladesh was investigated through field survey from January to December 2001. Out of 9 upazillas in Khulna District mud crab business was found in 5 namely, Paikgacha, Koyra, Dumuria, Batiaghata and Dacope. The crab depots were located mostly near the highways and on the bank of rivers. The crabs landed at depots were harvested from various sources including the Sundarbans mangrove swamps, tidal rivers and canals, and black tiger shrimp ponds (ghers). Supply of mud crabs was round the year with a peak during rainy season. The total production was estimated to be 1872.28 tons in Khulna district in 2001 of which 1228.73 tons were males and 643.55 tons were females. The highest production of mud crab was found in Paikgacha (75.59% of the total production). The maximum average price was found for XL grade followed by F1 grade. The harvested crabs were transported to depots by small wooden boats. Trucks and buses were used to transport crabs at night when the ambient temperature was low in order to reduce mortality. The mortality rate during transportation was higher in summer. The domestic market of crab was poorly developed in this region because of high price, and social and religious prohibition among the Muslim. Most of the harvested crabs were marketed in the foreign country. Major importers of mud crab are China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan.


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How to Cite

D. . Kamal, M. F. . Uddin, and . M. M. . Khatun, “PRODUCTION, MARKETING AND TRANSPORTATION OF MUD CRAB (Scylla olivacea): A STUDY ON KHULNA REGION OF BANGLADESH”, Khulna Univ. Stud., pp. 1–10, Nov. 2013.



Life Science

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