Growth, yield, mutants, cultivars and genotypicAbstract
Field experiment was conducted during November 2009 to March 2010, to investigate growth and yield attributes of advanced tomato mutants (TM-110 and TM-219) along with three cultivars (BARI tomato-3, BARI tomato-14 and BINA tomato-5) following randomized complete block design with three replications. There were significant genotypic differences in respect of morpho-physiological characters (plant height, branch and leaf area, total dry mass, absolute growth rate and relative growth rate), biochemical parameter (nitrate reductase), reproductive characters (number of effective and non-effective flower cluster, number of flowers and reproductive efficiency), phenological characters (days to flowering start, days to first harvest and harvesting duration), yield attributes and fruit yield. In general high yielding genotypes showed superior performance in plant height, branch number, leaf area, total dry mass production, absolute growth rate, nitrate reductase activity and fruit size compared to low yielding ones. Relative growth rate,chlorophyll, photosynthesis, reproductive characters and fruit number had no relationship with fruit yield in tomato. The variety BARI tomato-14 showed the highest fruit yield (77.7 t ha-1) due to its superiority in respect of morpho-physiological, biochemical and larger fruit sizes. In contrast, the mutant TM-110 and the variety BINA tomato-5 produced the lower fruit yield (average 51.2 t ha -1) due to poor performance in growth characters and smaller size of fruits. However, TM-110 matured 4-15 days earlier than the other mutant/varieties. Further, harvesting duration was higher in high yielding genotypes than low yielding ones. The highest harvesting duration was recorded in BARI tomato-14 (28 days) followed by BARI tomato-3 (26 days). This information may be implicated in future plant breeding programme.
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