Aggregate stability, soil texture, soil organic carbon content, land use practicesAbstract
This study was carried out in different agricultural plots situated in Dumuria, Botiaghata, Bagerhat, Pirojpur, Rajapur and Tala under South-Western part of Bangladesh during 2010. The FallowFallow-T.aman cropping pattern shows the highest normalized stability index (0.92) and lowest value (0.25) was found in Shrimp-T.aman cropping pattern. The index varies according to soil texture these are in silty clay loam, silt loam and loam and clay soils. The index values were 0.92, 0.61 and 0.69, respectively. The lower NSI values in different textures (0.25, 0.43 and 0.47) were found under Shrimp-T.aman, FallowFallow-T.aman and Fallow-Jute-T.aman cropping pattern respectively. Soils in Fallow-Fallow-T.aman cropping pattern had higher NSI value. This is presumably in reverse of cultivating intensity such as tillage, causing aggregate breakdown. Aggregate stability of fallow soils with few sample area, however, was lower
than crop-cultivated soil. This indicated that the cultivation of soil could enhance soil aggregation. The higher organic carbon content was found in silty clay loam soils where the aggregate size ranges from 8-2, 2-0.25 and 0.25-0.05 mm. Lower organic carbon content was found in loam soils. Higher SOC content was found in aggregates of 2-0.25 mm size. It may be concluded that macro-aggregate formations have contribution the storage of organic carbon in soils. Soils in Fallow-Sweet gourd-T.aman cropping pattern had the highest SOC in different aggregates.
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