Porteresia coarctata, shoots density, biomass, Bakkhali estuaryAbstract
Morphology, habitat, shoot density and standing crop (above and below ground biomass) of salt marsh Porteresia coarctata at Bakkhali estuary, Cox’s Bazar were investigated from January 2006 to June 2006. Permanent plots of 50 m x 50 m from exposed (station I) and protected (station II) areas were selected. P. coarctata was found growing as monospecific stand and four-species association with seagrass Halophila beccarii, patches of mangroves (Avicennia alba, A. marina and Acanthus ilicifolius) and the seaweed Ulva intestinalis in the intertidal sandy clay substrate. P. coarctata also grew in three-species association with mangrove and seaweed, or with seagrass and seaweed as well as in two-species association with seagrass and Imperata cylindrica. The range of mean leaf length, internodes length of rhizome and individual shoot height were found 8.10-14.49 cm, 0.91-1.41 cm and 12.90-20.94 cm, respectively. The mean shoot density varied from 925.0 to 1545.0 shoots m-2. The mean above and below ground biomass were 23.28-38.02 g DW (Dry Weight) m-2 and 60.26-97.39 g DW m-2, respectively. The pore water salinity, pH and NH4-N were recorded 17.0-41.66‰, 6.0-6.47 and 1.80-3.70 µg l-1, respectively. The variation of morphological parameters, shoot density and standing crop of P. coarctata between the two sampling stations attributed to the differences in habitat, soil organic matter and tidal action i.e., wave and current between the stations.
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