Dropout, Secondary Level, Education, SDGsAbstract
Despite a remarkable development in the education system in Bangladesh, the country still experiences a huge amount of dropout cases every year which is alarming. This study attempts to explore the whys and wherefores of dropping outs of the secondary-level students in the Khulna district. Apart from this, the research also investigates the current conditions of the dropped-out students. Quantitative and qualitative data have been collected from 52 dropouts who were selected using convenience sampling method. The respondents are secondary-level students enlisted in the dropout lists of 10 high schools in Khulna. This study identifies multiple reasons responsible for students’ dropout like financial crisis, inability to take private tuition, the effect of bad company, parental negligence, and early marriage. This study also reveals the miserable current condition of the dropouts as a substantial number of them are not engaged in any productive activities and suffer from frustration. The majority of those feel guilty and regret their decision of leaving school. Around 60 percent of them want to start their schooling again although they are getting very little or no support in some cases from the stakeholders. As ensuring quality education is one of the objectives of SDGs adopted by the United Nations, this study will carry values to school authorities, education policy-makers, and other stakeholders in solving the issues of dropouts to ensure quality and effective education for all. This research is expected to contribute to finding out ways to improve the socio-economic condition of the dropouts.
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