
  • M. Hossain Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, D. E. Malaysia.
  • S. Othman Faculty of Science and Technology, , University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selan
  • J. S. Bujang Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, D. E. Malaysia
  • M. Kusnan Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, D. E. Malaysia.



Macronutrients; Mangrove forest; Bruguiera parviflora; Plant parts


Macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, C and S) in different parts of seedlings, saplings and trees of Bruguiera parviflora were analysed for Kuala Selangor Nature Park Mangrove Forest. Relatively higher content of nitrogen (1.04 to 1.37%), phosphorus (0.12 to 0.18%), potassium (0.78 to 1.27%) and calcium (0.67 to 1.13%) were found in leaves of seedlings, saplings and trees than other parts. But, comparatively higher content of magnesium (1.1 to 1.2%) and sulphur (0.75 to 1.79%) was detected in roots of seedlings, saplings and trees, leaves, buds and flower of trees. Comparatively higher carbon (51.12 to 52.54%) content was detected in saplings and tree roots while a relatively lower content of all macronutrients were detected in stems and bigger branches (diameter > 2 cm) of saplings and trees. The study indicated that macronutrients distribution in Bruguiera parviflora were variable in the different plant parts and at various stages of plant development. 


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How to Cite

M. . Hossain, S. . Othman, J. S. . Bujang, and M. . Kusnan, “MACRONUTRIENTS CONTENT IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF SEEDLING, SAPLING AND TREE OF Bruguiera parviflora OF KUALA SELANGOR NATURE PARK MANGROVE FOREST IN MALAYSIA”, Khulna Univ. Stud., pp. 15–20, May 2003.



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