Small indigenous fishes species, Moisture, Protein, Lipid, and Ash.Abstract
Twelve freshwater small indigenous fish species of Bangladesh were included in the study. These specimens were collected from three local markets of Khulna, Bangladesh. These fishes w ere used for proximate analysis in order to obtain and evaluate their nutritive value and the status in comparison w ith large fish species in Bangladesh. All fresh fish had high protein content (14.82-18.95%). The lipid content among the species ranged from 4.26 to 12.01%. The moisture content varied between 63.20-77.13%. The ash content ranged from 2.33 to 8.19%. which showed the inverse relationship with the moisture content. Market value of the studied fish species varied between 40-300 Tk. kg. This variation might be due to the demand, size, taste and availability of fishes in the market. At present, the price and demand of these indigenous fish species are increasing compared to other large fish. The study reveals that emphasis should be given for culturing and producing of these demanded indigenous fish species.
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