Getmination energy, germination czpaaty,getmination speed, seedling gtowth' Seedling vigor indexAbstract
The factorial experiment was conducted during June ,2074 to March, 2015 which consistscf rwo factors i.e. ten -;i'g;;r. Aman rice vadety urrdioor. salt. solutions (0, 5, 10 Td 1.5 dS mr)'fhe experime.rt *r, hia oi.t in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three teplications' Datawere collected oo some ,.i".La prrr-"t.r, and statistical arrJysis was petformed by using MSTAT-i frogr"-. The interaction effeci beruzeen variety and salinity on germination and growth parametersof indigenous Aman dce varieties varied significantly G <ObS;' Al 1l.the germhation and seedlinggrowth parameters of rndigenous Aman ricJ *"r" .iioifi.rntly p <0.05) affected by salt stess' All ofdre getmination and ,""dting growth parametets -.-t" d..r.rr"d shaqply with increasing soil salinity'The rice variety named rily,i<iak.haf, Tal mugur, Harisankar, Bholanath and Swarna showed bettergermination perfotmance '^nd r ntolerate ,airrlty up to 10 - 15 ds m-1..The variety of Lily, Khakshail'Tal mugur, Swarna, Harisankar, and Bholanath ^ur" to others variety considering theirg".*inrtio., and seedling Stowth atttibutes of indigenous rice'.
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