Sugarcane; enzyme; brix; pol; Isd-16; Isd-28Abstract
An experiment was conducted at Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute (BSRI), Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh. In this study, biochemical composition, enzyme activity and some chemical parameter of sugarcane juice in the varieties Isd-16 and Isd-28 were investigated. Isd-28 showed higher amount of brix (20.85%), pol (18.53%), fiber (19.93%), ash (6.95%), minerals (Na 1.36 & K 3.12 gm/100 gm ash) and lipid (0.058%) than that of Isd-16. Other compositions such as reducing sugars (0.096%), commercial cane sugar (12.55%), moisture (88.97%), protein (0.328%) and vitamin-C (0.00351 gm/100 gm juice) were lower in Isd-28. Amylase enzyme activity (44.44 unit/ml) and cellulase enzyme activity (7.15 unit/ml) were higher in Isd-28 but invertase enzyme activity (10.88 unit/ml) was lower than that of Isd-16. Purity (91.34%) and extraction percentages (54.63%) were higher in Isd-16 whereas, recovery percentage (11.17%) was lower in the juice of Isd-16 variety than that of variety Isd-28 of sugarcane. Most of the biochemical compositions analyses were higher in Isd-28 than that of lsd-16. Reducing sugars were less in Isd-28 variety indicating less invertase activity.
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