Induced breeding; Labeo gonius; Threatened species; Spawn.Abstract
Labeo gonius is a threatened species. It was successfully bred by PG (pituitaiy gland) injections at the Arabpur Fish Farm, Jessore. Three pairs of fish were collected from Brahmanbaria district and were transported to Jessore. After rearing for one month only one pair was induced to breed. The female (700g) was first injected with a dose of 2.5 mg PG/kg body weight. The second dose of 6 mg PG/kg body weight was administered 6 hours after the first dose. The male was administered a single dose of 2 mg PG/kg body weight 3 hours after the first dose was given to the female. Eggs and milt were stripped for fertilization 4 hours after the second dose of female. Hatching occurred after 18 to 19 hours at 27”C-28°C in a cemented conical bottom incubation jar with water flow of 0.3 1/sec. Fertilization and hatching rate of 87% and 81%, respectively were obtained. Yolk sac absorption occurred after 56-60 hours of hatching. A total of 500g (approx. 0.1 mil'ion) spawn of average length 7 mm was collected. Nursing of the spawn was done in a small pond measuring 0.065 ha. After 14 days of nursing they attained an average length of 34 mm and weight of 450 mg with 37% survival. Fry were thinned out by transferring two-third of the fry to another pond measuring 0.117 ha and were reared for 14 days. The survival of the fry in the first and second ponds was 74% and 78% , respectively and the length ranged from 44 mm to 46 mm after two weeks. The weight varied between 830 mg and 880 mg.
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