Urban density not only represents the intensity of travel demand, but also serves as a useful tool for quantifying the elements that influence travel behavior and demand. In this study, Khulna City of Bangladesh has been selected as a case study to explore the impacts of urban density on travel behavior in a city of a developing country. The average characteristics of urban density, as well as their impacts on travel behavior and demand, have been studied using geospatial analysis techniques. Urban densities have been categorized into Single Density (Population Density, Employment Density, and Building Density) and Composite Density (Household to Work trip Density, Household to School trip Density and Household to Shop trip Density) based on characteristics of travel behavior and demand. Descriptive statistics have been used to explore the impacts of urban densities on the various trip characteristics such as trip production, trip distance, trip cost, trip time, and trip mode. Diversity of trips and overall trip attraction areas have been identified using the Shannon diversity index and other spatial analyses. Trip production, trip distance, trip time, trip cost, and mode choice all show a positive linear relationship with urban single-density, according to this study. The everyday activities of residents are closely related to urban composite densities, and trip production increase in tandem with composite densities. It has been concluded that different urban densities have significant impacts on travel demand and travel behavior.
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