
  • Mahmood Hossain Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh




Heavy metal; Micronutrient; Organic waste; Pollution; Zinc


Sepang mangrove forest ecosystem in Malaysia has become environmentally sensitive due to untreated waste disposal from several oil palm industries, pig farms and sewages into the Sepang Besar mangrove river. Very high zinc concentrations were found throughout the study area. High concentrations of zinc were also found in soil (1192.20 mg/g) and river water (11.18 mg/l) at the waste discharge point. Among the seedling ( Rhizophora mucronata ) parts, roots contained the highest (67.33 mg/g) zinc concentration followed by stems and leaves. Results of this study indicated that mangrove plants are adapted to high metal concentrations in soil.


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