Bangladesh rice; size; shape; alkali digestibility, gel consistency; grain qualityAbstract
Laboratory experiments were conducted to characterize 367 local cultivars from 6 ecotypes of Bangladesh rice based on physicochemical properties of the grains. The study was carried out at the Agronomy Laboratory of Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh. The cultivars were collected from 6 regions of the country viz. Rajshahi, Dhaka, Sylhet, Barisal, Khulna and Chittagong. The range of grain length and width varied between 2.71 mm, and 8.08 mm and 1.16 mm and 3.28 mm, respectively. Medium grains (5.51-6.60 mm length and length width ratio 2.10-3.00) showed the maximum frequency. Significant relationship was observed among the grain parameters studied. Alkali spreading scores of 1 to 7 were detected among the cultivars tested, scores 1 and 2 were frequent. Flaky rices or rices with medium gel consistency are found in maximum number of cultivars followed by cultivars with hard gel consistency. The results of various characters studied in the experiments suggest that some good characters do exist in our local cultivars.
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