Breeding behaviour, induced breeding, larval rearing, ilish bata, Labeo bataAbstract
Breeding behaviour, induced breeding and larval rearing of a threatened species Labeo bata were conducted at the Government Fish Seed Multiplication Farm, Khulna Sadar, Khulna in July 2003. A number of distinctive measures viz., following, nudging, circling, pressing and breeding run were used to release gametes within four chambered nylon hapa placed in a concrete cistern. Breeding activity started 5:45-6:45 hrs after the second injection of PG to the females at 26-27 °C water temperature. The relatively sudden increase in female responsiveness and attractiveness to males appear to coincide with the occurrence of ovulation. Females participate in a number of breeding runs over a period of 1 hr, thereafter female activity decreases rapidly. To optimize the effective dose of breeding, the females were first injected at the rate of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 mg PG-kg body weight and the second injection at the rate of 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 mg PG-kg body weight. Dose interval between first and second injection was 6 hrs. At the time of first dose to female, males were administered single constant dose of 1.5 mg PG-kg body weight. A total of five experiments were conducted in triplicates and each replication consisted of three males and two females. The best result in terms of breeding was observed at first dose of 1.5 mg PG-kg and second dose of 5.0 mg PG-kg body weight for the females. The fertilization and hatching rates with spawn production of the same dose (1.5+5.0 mg PG-kg body weight) were the best of 83.88±1.6 %, 80.67±7.8 % and 120 g respectively. All spawns were maintained in nursery ponds of 0.004 ha each with a suitable water condition. After 14 days of feeding only mustard oil cake at the rate of 250 g/0.004 ha, the obtained best result was an average length of 24.2 mm and weight of 87 mg with 63% survival for 35 g spawn. The growth and survival rates were inverse in relation to different stocking densities.
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