
  • Mostaq Ahmed Urban and Rural Planning Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh; Department of Community and Regional Planning, The University of Texas at Austin, USA



Built environment, land use, mode choice, discrete choice, mixed land use, transit


Understanding the relationship between the physical form of the built environment and how people travel from origin to destination is vital to formulate policies to reduce the distance traveled and promote public transit. This study has used Austin activity-travel survey data to explore the influence of urban form characteristics on travel behavior. It has been hypothesized that mixed-use high-density development significantly impacts people's travel behavior in this area. Urban form variables like increase in density, better street connectivity, and mixed land use TAZ as origin and destination have been found to be significant in reducing the distance traveled and car dependency. Even after controlling the trip makers' and alternative specific characteristics, urban built form is showing a clear and strong impact on mode choice behavior. Though personal characteristics remain important after including the built form variables, built form variables also show significant influence on mode choice behavior. The results support the hypothesis of this study that mixed-use high-density development has a significant impact on the mode choice behavior of the people of the Austin area. These findings suggest that transportation policy formulation is not only an economic decision but also a land use planning decision. City authorities aiming to reduce automobile trips and distance travelled need to consider these built form characteristics to determine suitable areas to invest to yield the highest return in promoting transit use and active transportation.


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