Environmental noise constitutes a major contributor to environmental pollution, with its unintended consequences posing a serious challenge to public health in the built environment. This study assessed the perception and the implications of urban environmental noise on urban residents' wellbeing. Data was collected using a sound pressure level meter and a self-developed questionnaire. Findings from eight hundred and eighty (880) responses obtained through random sampling were analysed and benchmarked against national (50 dBA) and international (55 dBA) standards by the WHO. The results showed that noise from places of worship and traffic noise were rated high, with about 75 percent of the respondents indicating that environmental noise negatively impacts their wellbeing. The study suggested the need for improved environmental quality in the built environment. It advocated for synergistic interventions from architects, other built environment professionals, and environmental protection agencies to tackle urban environmental pollution in residential environments. The contribution of this research lies in the necessity for further investigation, since it has important ramifications for architects, urban planners, and urban managers.
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