
  • SK Alamgir Hossain Computer Science and Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh
  • Md. Anisur Rahman Computer Science and Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna9208, Bangladesh
  • M. Anwar Hossain Department of Software Engineering, CCIS, King Saud University, KSA



Edge Computing, Smart City, Situation Calculus, Internet of Things


With advancements in IoT (Internet of Things), the number of applications and services for Smart Cities have increased in recent years, ranging from public services and safety to smart traffic and smart audio/video surveillance. As mobile and cloud computing have advanced, a large number of IoT devices have been connected to the Internet. This connected devices generates billions of bytes of data at the network edge. In order to fully realize the potential of this edge data there is a strong need to extend AI’s frontiers to the network edge. Edge computing, a new paradigm that shifts computing workloads and services from the network core to the network edge, has been identified as a viable approach to satisfy that need. The concept of Edge Intelligence (EI) in Smart Cities is gaining a lot of attraction. However, EI research is still in its early stages, and research groups would welcome a dedicated platform for communicating recent breakthroughs in EI in Smart Cities. To this end, we introduced a new technique of intelligent edge processing framework using Situation Calculus for IoT based Smart Cities. In this paper, we provide an overviewof our architecture, framework, and key techniques.


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How to Cite

S. A. . Hossain, M. A. . Rahman, and M. A. . Hossain, “AN INTELLIGENT EDGE PROCESSING FRAMEWORK USING SITUATION CALCULUS FOR IOT BASED SMART CITY”, Khulna Univ. Stud., pp. 513–530, Nov. 2022.

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