Communication Barriers Faced by Foreign Students at the Public Universities in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna University
Academic integration, Communication challenges, Cultural differences, Foreign students, Inclusive environmentsAbstract
Foreign students frequently face communication challenges in Bangladesh. Usually, here they enroll for Tertiary- level education where English and Bangla are used simultaneously as the medium of instruction. This study aims to explore their communication barriers in and beyond the classroom and its impact on their academic success and well-being. It proposes some strategies for overcoming those challenges also. To gain that end, quantitative data have been collected from 31 foreign students of various disciplines at Khulna University. A questionnaire of 10 open-ended questions has been used to understand their specific communication difficulties and perceived impact of the communication problems. Analysis indicates significant struggles of foreign learners in language proficiency, understanding lectures, and academic writing. Again, cultural differences contribute to communication issues, impacting social integration. These challenges substantially affect academic performance, social integration, and psychological well-being of learners. The current study emphasizes the need for tailored interventions, including language enhancement, cultural sensitivity training, and psychological support. Addressing these challenges comprehensively can create inclusive and diverse academic environments for foreign students at the universities in Bangladesh.
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